سوالات ودرک مطلب زبان انگلیسی

صفحه خانگی پارسی یار درباره



                                So+صفت یا قید+that+جمله کامل

The thunderstorm rumbled so loudly that the windows crashed down.

Too+صفت یا قید+ to+فعل ساده

The sedan rattled down too suddenly (for the driver) to stop bumping to the lamppost.

Such(a/an)+اسم++صفتthat+جمله کامل

The car had such a durable engine that the driver seldom felt referring to the mechanic.


The low consumption lamp had enough light for the entire hall.



Is your brother tall enough to change the lamp.


It was ……..high mountain that we could climb it in half a day.

a. So         b. such       c. such a        d. too






To/in order to/ so as to+فعل ساده 

They took the car to the garage……..repair before they went on their trip.

a. in order that   b. so that   c. such that     d. to


so that+جمله کامل

The repairman stayed in the garage longer ……. he could repair their car in time.

a. in order that   b. so that   c. such that     d. to




نوع اول

جملات شرطی 



If you study hard, you will go to Kerman university .


قسمت اول فعل

Will+قسمت اول




نوع دوم

If the pilot learned English very well, he would fly in international routes.


would+قسمت اول

قسمت دوم فعل



نوع سوم

I could have learned English better if I had bought the book Mr. Afshar recommended.



Would have+pp




The crankshaft would live longer if you ……. the clearance in time.

a. Remove   b. removed      c. had removed      d. could remove



زبان فنی مکانیک

زبان فنی مکانیک























1. neutralize 2. nucleus 3. Formation

4. mud 5. beam 6. indicator 7. cliff

8. horsepower .9. spark 10. assist


3 B




A _ B

11. alternative a. allow to go set free.

12. lapse b. material for producing heat or energy.

13. combustion c. force something out from its place.

14. fuel d. choice between two things.

15. release e. necessary or essential part.

16. component f. passing away, interval.

g. process of burning.


false true

17. The elements can be combined to form compounds.

18. Elements are identified by the number of their atoms.

19. Neutrons are positive charges located in the nucleolus.

20. Scientists are quite sure about the formation of oil.

21. Coal and oil both easily vaporize.

22. When coal is imprisoned in rocks it turns into oil.

23. Aradar can t show ushow fast an object ismoving.

24. Combustion should be carried through the mixture very quickly.

25. The efficiency of a gasoline engine is about %25.

26. Fuel-air mixture is ignited by a distributer in an internal combustion









2 %5

properties, inflammable, obstacle, combustion, vaporizes,

27. If the furnace is overcharged with fuel, heavy smoke will be produced

through poor ..

28. When the waves hit an , they bounce back to the radar.

29. The tungsten wire inside an electric bulb sometimes .

30. The chemical of iron are different from those of steel.


32. The four of an internal combustion engine start with

and end with exhaust.

33. A sendsradar pulsesout and a receivesthe pulses

reflected back from an object.

34. Oil in different .Imean 10, 20, 30 and 40 is used for lubrication.

In thisway the between two surfacesisreduced.

35. Anymatter can be found in three forms, . , gasand ..



36. If they had had a day off, they a trip to the north of Iran.

a. would take b. would have taken c. will take d. take

37. We reserved some seats we could come back on time.

a. to b. so as to c. so that d. such as

38. He never gets up late, ?

a. does he b. doesn t he c. is he getting up d. he isn t

39. It was . Lovely day that we decided to gomountain climbing.

a. so b. such c. such a d. too


40. Atoms can not be destroyed or changed in any way by chemical


41. Usually the oil rushes up the pipe with great force.








42. If this oil should catch alight, there would be a terrible fire.

43. The burned gasses then must be removed from the cylinder and be

replaced by fresh gasoline and air mixture.

44. Combustible mixture is formed in carburetor by mixing liquid fuel with


45. After a well has been used for a long time, a pump is used to get the oil


Good luck. Prepared by: A. Afshar Zarand 1389


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