To/in order to/ so as to+فعل ساده They took the car to the garage…… before they went on their trip. a. in order that b. so that c. such that √ d. to
so that+جمله کامل The repairman stayed in the garage longer ……. he could repair their car in time. a. in order that √ b. so that c. such that d. to
نوع اول
If you study hard, you will go to Kerman university .
نوع دوم If the pilot learned English very well, he would fly in international routes.
نوع سوم I could have learned English better if I had bought the book Mr. Afshar recommended.
Example: The crankshaft would live longer if you ……. the clearance in time. a. Remove √b. removed c. had removed d. could remove